It seems to me that, overall , sensitivity and kindness generally have been on a decline....I have also seen and experienced a lot of the opposite , of course...but overall,... kindness and graciousness is on the decline and self -absorption , meanness, and insensitivity is on the increase.
I see and experience those two values in the media and social media sites I participate in ....since being a musician is a rather new thing for me and really so is FB and certainly Twitter, I thought it was the entertainment industry that encourages self absorption and insensitivity but, is outside the internet world also, although, as I think....certainly not as much.
Maybe, people on the internet don't see the people they communicate with as "real"..with feelings and thoughts....that's an interesting concept that is just too awful to consider.....that would mean there is no loyalty...and most certainly no friendship and caring ....just people meeting their needs whatever they are and saying and doing anything towards that end......Unfortunately, I have seen this happen too much to people....all of which, has inspired me to write this musing....
At first, I thought it was me...but, then, an author FB friend posted about this issue from her experience...helping people...responding to their questions..with no feed back and no I was reading the post I was appalled but not surprised at the ungratefulness and insensitivity shown her....then, other people started posting their experiences..each one telling me that I am not alone with this thinking...
It seems that shallowness, unkindness, insensitivity, meanness and self-absorption is alive and well....since not everyone is like this....thank just seems that way....what to do is the question.....As usual, I will only speak to what I do ...and those of you who are loyal musing
readers/listeners...know exactly what I am going to say :-)..
After much thought about this issue, it is my feeling that all these negative issues have to do with an individual's core one with good character or values does any of what I have been discussing except as an error of judgement... a mistake...and then handles it a gracious and sensitive person..everyone makes mistakes..we are human...but, we have to rectify the situation or at least seriously attempt to....when this doesn't happen, and even repeats..then, I know it is a character issue....and I act accordingly....
Well, I do not plan to change my behavior on how I treat mentioned in another musing or two....people of low character can not make me treat people like they do....I will continue to go out on the limb and treat everyone 100% with kindness until they have shown me they do not deserve it....then, I do not and will not be put in the position of behaving "mad"...angry....and rude....I don't do those things well at all....what I have done and will continue to do is ...distance myself and walk away...this way , minimal energy is expended and I have removed myself from a negative energy situation and most, important....negative people....
I want to talk about when we see someone we know treat someone else badly....I just saw this recently and was discussing this with a friend....I said far as I was concerned what that person did to the other is as if they did it to me....and I would not give that person any regard....this is my own personal value system and I know it is tough..but, when I see someone treat someone they know in a negative manner...I assume , sometime, that could happen to easy example would be...if I know someone is talking bad about a friend of theirs or making fun of them behind their back...I assume if that person was my friend...they would do it to me...I would not hold them in high regard and be around them...
Well, dear musing reader, I hope you have not had these experiences but, based on what I hear from my FB friends and others, you probably have...I am not concerned that you are one of these people because you wouldn't be reading or listening to my musings :-)..
There really isn't a way to stop these things from's human nature and we meet a lot of people it is bound to happen again...we just have to deal with it the best we can on a case by case basis...and be VERY glad we are not like those people...there is no happiness , joy, or good feelings inside for them...
"In life's journey, you will meet all sorts of characters. Always remember, never shed a tear for the heartless, corrupt or insensitive." - Krystal Volney
"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I am kind to everyone, but when someone is unkind to me, weak is not what you are going to remember about me." - Al Capone
"Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness." - Anonymous
"Should you find yourself the victim of other peoples bitterness, ignorance, smallness, or insecurities, ..Remember this, things could be much worse, You could be one of them" - Anonymous
"Meanness demeans the demeaner far more than the demeaned."- Malcolm Forbes
Personal note: I have never used scripture in my quote section before...but, I asked a dear friend who studies scripture..."what has God got to say about this?"...she it:-)..and I did...and found this ....
"As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him."-Titus 3:10
"A mean person gets paid back in meanness, a gracious person in grace."-proverbs 14:14