I love to write these musings.....they make me feel good. When there is something serious on my mind then I feel good writing about it...like the Loss of Trust one....musings resolve things in my mind for me....they help clarify situations ..
During the past 3 months or so, I have been studying music theory and doing some beginning music writing. This is in addition to my cello studies and work. I have been finding out....much to my surprise ....that I like to write little songs for my cello and even cello duets. It is very exciting for me to be able to put 2 or even more notes together to create a lovely sound and then another 2 or more until a music piece is done . I then play these pieces on my cello until I get them right for my ears and put them on Sound Cloud for my facebook friends and a few others. Also, I write a story about each one...a description....I noticed lately that I really like to do that. A story or description about what the music is portraying for me....usually a feeling or maybe about something....the first one ...a cello duet...was about my cello which I call Zadlo...so I called it Zadlo's Song....everyone was very supportive and it gave me a very good feeling....so I started doing another one and I see this continuing as it gives me pleasure to be able to do these songs that mean something to me and to tell their stories .
I was working hard last night on my new song and I realized....like a light bulb went off...that writing music was , to me, like writing my musings....except , I used notes instead of words...but then, I told their story with words. It also came to mind that each song actually had an intent at its start...not just notes and then figuring out what to call it....no......an actual purpose for being.
During the day, I was thinking about this....trying to get it straight exactly what was going on....and then, I realized....these songs that I love to create and that made me so happy were musical musings....they had a story behind them.....a musical and written story.
Once I realized that, I knew , I was going to do musical musings. Yes, that sounds strange , even to me, but, I am going to give it a try and see if I really like doing it. I think it will be great fun and I will learn a lot. What I am planning to do is establish a new page on this site called....Musical Musings. It will take me a bit to get it set up, as I am so clueless about these things. But, I am excited just thinking about it......what I will have on this page...are musical blogs...like the blog you are reading now....there will be the music piece that I composed...a little story about it...and like my current musings...there will be audio for the text. It can be a totally audio experience for someone ...or not.
I hope when my Musical Musings page gets set up and running, that you will stop by....I think , it will be fun and unique:-)
“Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent”
― Victor Hugo
“Music is to the soul what words are to the mind.”
― Modest Mouse
"Where words fail, music speaks".-
Hans Christian Andersen